The Cradleboard Project with Doug Limón

I met Ojibwe artist Doug Limón at a local powwow this past summer, and I’ve written about his work before. Out of curiosity, I just checked Kickstarter to see what bead projects are there, and Limón talks about his Cradleboard Project, which he had told me about this summer. And happily, is fully funded! He received a Minnesota State Arts Board grant, and asked for Kickstarter funds to make up the balance of his costs to create 4 cradleboards, and to teach a workshop. The cradleboards will also be displayed somewhere here in the Minneapolis metro area. I saw his work for the first time in 2008; a description of which is literally my second post on this blog (Ancient Traders Gallery has closed, so this won’t be where Limón exhibits).

He had the cradleboard at the powwow, that you see in his Kickstarter video. So, check out Doug Limón’s Kickstarter page, and enjoy the video. I see there are still 4 cradleboards available at the highest funding level!

2 responses to “The Cradleboard Project with Doug Limón”

    • He does immaculate work, and his son’s cradleboard looks new even after use. His son was about 3 this summer, and in full fancy dance regalia, also beautifully made by his dad. I was so pleased to meet Doug! You’re most welcome.

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